OPEN SHELF COLLECTION This collection is a collection of books that can be borrowed covering various fields, especially women, family and society. These books are available in fiction and non-fiction forms in Malay and English. KPWKM COLLECTION AND AGENCY This collection includes materials published by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) and its agencies, namely JKM, JPW, ISM, LPPKN, and YKN REFERENCE COLLECTION This collection contains materials such as dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, atlases and more. This collection cannot be borrowed and it for library reference only. COLLECTION OF WORKSHOP COURSES This collection houses training notes such as courses, seminars, conventions, workshops, forums, symposiums, colloquiums attended by KPWKM staff and agencies under it. It aims to share information to staff in performing their daily tasks. COLLECTION OF MONTHLY MAGAZINES AND VOLUMES Collection of local and foreign magazines subscribed for staff leisurely reading. This is a magazine that has been collected for a year. These magazines are bound by title in hardcover material. GROUP LOAN COLLECTION This collection is a collection borrowed from the National Library of Malaysia (PNM). A total of 150 materials are placed in this library. The library will change the materials four (4) times a year. HANDBOOK COLLECTION AND PROGRAM/ACTION AND ANNUAL REPORT This collection is a collection of monograph series on handbooks & programs/action plans/reports published by government and private departments in the state. DIGITAL COLLECTION Digital collections are printed materials that have been converted into electronic form where they can be read or accessed through repositories available in the Library Portal. These digital materials can be accessed via a keyword search in the OPAC menu. |