The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read / Philippa Perry ; Editor: Najwa Fahima Shukri ; Penterjemah: Fatimah Rodhiah Mohd Yusof, Farah Liana Hamdan, Nuraina Akmal Misman ; Penyunting: Siti Fatihah Binti Shafee

Philippa Perry, author.

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read / Philippa Perry ; Editor: Najwa Fahima Shukri ; Penterjemah: Fatimah Rodhiah Mohd Yusof, Farah Liana Hamdan, Nuraina Akmal Misman ; Penyunting: Siti Fatihah Binti Shafee -- Batu Caves, Selangor : PTS PUBLISHING HOUSE SENDIRIAN BERHAD, 2024

314 pages ; 23 cm

ISBN:  9786294930124 paperback

1. Parenting and child  2. Parenting  3. Parenting -- Psychological aspects 

I. Najwa Fahima Shukri, editor. 

649.1 PHI