- Users are KPWKM staff/Departments/Agencies who have registered as members of the KPWKM Library.

- Users are allowed to borrow ten (10) copies of the book only.

- The loan period at any one time is two (2) weeks.

- Users are not allowed to transfer ownership of borrowed materials to other users without the permission of the Library officer.

- Materials borrowed are under the responsibility of the borrower name during the loan period.

- Missing or damaged materials must be reported IMMEDIATELY to the officer on duty at the Service counter.

- Material reported missing must be replaced by the borrower with the same /related title.


Books - 14 days

Magazine - 2 days


 - Return of materials must be made no later than on or one day before the expiry date of the loan period.

 - All return arrangements for borrowed materials can be done at the Library's service counter during service hours and through the DROPBOX provided. 

- Late return  material  will receive a reminder letter via email.

- If the material is still not returned as well, this user is not eligible to borrow the Library material until he/she return the borrowed material.


- Users are allowed to renew the loan two (2) times only.

- Renewals can be made by calling or walk-in to the service counter and through the User Menu in the KPWKM Library Portal

- The material must be available on the shelf and subject to the Library Policy.